Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ugly people and pretty people are they treated differently?

Someone said that pretty people and ugly people are treated differently in general, How are they treated differently ?
Ugly people and pretty people are they treated differently?
Ugly People Dont Normally Get Same Respect For Pretty People At First Appearence
Ugly people and pretty people are they treated differently?
Your appareance shows alot about you. So if someone thinks your ugly, they get a negative impact from you, hence making them have less respect or desire to become your friend. If someone thinks your pretty, they get a postive impact from you, making you approachable and seem nicer.

So yes, in a small way, they are.
Reply:In some ways yea. Sometimes pretty girls can get away with things, they can also get extra things etc. Ugly girls are not noticed, guys won't approach them.
Reply:i used to be pretty and a size 14 and people were nice to me and considerate towards me. im now a size 20 and not so pretty and people are inconsiderate and say things that hurt my feelings. i get ignored a lot and overall im treated differently to when i was thinner and prettier.
Reply:yes they are, because people like being around actractive people.
Reply:Unfortunately, yes. A person's appearance has a lot to do with making a first impression. Not to say this practice is morally correct, but most people would probably admit that it is a factor.
Reply:If you are a man and you are ugly it doesn't matter as long as you are well groomed and smart. If you are a woman and ugly all the nice looking suits in the world are not going to help you. Sad but true.
Reply:Well , i'm 14 and go to a high school and i've kinda observed that prettier people are more "popular" and are welcomed more into fashionable cliques. In my school, these people are complete bitches and even talk badly about their closest "friends". But, I have to say that, people who are less attractive(so are therefore in normal cliques) have nicer, better friends are are so much more loyal and kind. But that's not in all cases, don't get me wrong. It does happen though. x hope I helped.
Reply:prettier people definetly have it easier in this world. Tyra did a show on this. She had i beleive 3 sets of twins come on and had a make up artist make one of the twins look "ugly" napy hair, big nose, bad yellow teeth. Well to no shock the prettier twin got more attention. More people willing to help with directions and questions. It seems as if everyone was scared of the "ugly" twin, kinda like it was Contagious. This was all in all heartbreaking to watch. Even though a lot of people are like this it doesn't mean there aren't good people out there. Surround yourself with positive and Godly people and avoid people trying to take you down:)
Reply:Actually, studies have shown that people don't trust pretty people as much, and are much more likely to trust an "Average" looking person
Reply:my sister is "a stunner" and everyone is really nice to on the other hand, im pretty damn grotesque and i get treated like ****. and this is just from our family for starters! If youre ugly, people think youre not worth anything and dont respect you or give a shite about you.

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