Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Do all they all look that FAKE?!!!!!?

Paris HIlton wears blue eye contacts and i was wondering if only the cheap ones look fake or if there are better quality ones i can buy...I have immensely dark brown eyes and i have the light brown Fresh Look Honey colored contacts and they look great but im afraid that any other color would look really fake.
Do all they all look that FAKE?!!!!!?
No, I don't think they will look fake because they have those new contacts where they show a natural blend with your real eyes
Do all they all look that FAKE?!!!!!?
dont worry and buy a regular contacts but buy only high quality and original
Reply:The difference is that some completely cover the irises on people. Those are the ones that look fake. There are some that just add streaks of color to change the way your irises look. Those kind of contacts mostly just slightly change the way your eye color looks (make browns look more honey, make blue eyes look more vibrant blue) In order to get your eyes to look very different from your natural eye color, your color contacts will probably end up looking fake.
Reply:YES they all look fake... but they are still fun
Reply:I have brown eyes and I've worn blue, green, and gray colored contacts. I bought the FreshLook kind, where they have naturally shifting colors in less intense shades, and people have thought my eyes were really that color, it was so believable. If you get contacts that are a solid color, it's usually too intense and ends up looking fake- I've seen many people whose fake blue eyes were such an unnatural color.

Hope that helped!
Reply:Don't wear contacts. Keep your brown eyes just the way they are, dark and beautiful.


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