Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Which picture?

hey i really cant decide which picture to upload to myspace. haha. yeah i know. its stupid. oh %26amp; how old do you think i look? because i'm really 21. but everyone thinks i'm 16. :/

thanks guys! :]
Which picture?
wow both of them and you do look lyk your 16
Which picture?
The first one.

you look 19
Reply:I Think Yooh Look About 21; Yooh're Really Pretty!

I'd Chose Picture 2 - Because Yooh Can See Your Beautiful Hair.

Reply:you look 18-21 to me =]

I say pick the second one.

And its good that you look younger because when you get in your 40's and 50's you will be thankful.

Reply:ahhhh your gourgeous. i hate you. no im kidding. but, i really like the first one. i think that you look 19 or 20 in the first one but younger in the second one.
Reply:umm both they both look cute and u sorta look like ali lohan in a good way;...
Reply:the first picture, but whered you get ur bracelet in the second picture? i hope you answer maybe respond by adding details?
Reply:You look so pretty in both and you look about 21 but i like the second one, you look older in it and its a better view its not dark or small like the 1st one ((:
Reply:wow you look just like this girl i associate with
Reply:i liek both pictures but i think the first one is better because its closer up on ur face and u look about 18 or 19 hope i helped =]
Reply:You look absolutely gorgeous in both. I like the first one better though, I don't know why.

Reply:i like the 2nd one. you look your age. and your really cute
Reply:Definitely the second one!
Reply:both are very pretty. id go with the second one
Reply:the second one. now help mee!:;... thanks good luck!

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