Wednesday, March 17, 2010

If i get a lip ring can i start out with a ring?

is it permanent? how long dose the swelling stay? and any other info would be sweet, thanks guys!
If i get a lip ring can i start out with a ring?
It depends on placement and the peircer if you talk to them before you sit in the chair they can tell you what you wanna know. I have my labret and the swelling was considerable I've had it done more than once and you need to make sure the jewelry is big enough to accommodate most of the time the piercer will be a good judge of this however if your lip swells beyond the jewelry you'll need to go back to the shop and tell them what's going on and they're usually cool with switching without charging. Make sure you pay attention otherwise your money can end up going down the drain. Also the cleaning is very important with a mouth piercing be sure to rinse with mouth wash or sea salt and warm water after you eat, drink, smoke etc. also be sure u clean the outside of the piercing with a q-tip soaked in saltwater solution. Take Ibuprofen and you can also ice pack to help bring down swelling.

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