Sunday, October 11, 2009

What does proper mean?

this guy told me i was proper, what does it mean?

im not talking bout neat.
What does proper mean?
youre good, hot, right, etc.

its slang.
What does proper mean?
Sophisticated and very lady-like.
Reply:the way you act probley very welled mannered slef controll act mature heres the deffinition

prop路er (prpr)


1. Characterized by appropriateness or suitability; fitting: the proper knife for cutting bread; not a proper moment for a joke.

2. Called for by rules or conventions; correct: the proper form for a business letter.

3. Strictly following rules or conventions, especially in social behavior; seemly: a proper lady; a proper gentleman.


a. Belonging to one; own: restored to his proper shape by the magician.

b. Characteristically belonging to the being or thing in question; peculiar: an optical effect proper to fluids.

5. Being within the strictly limited sense, as of a term designating something: the town proper, excluding the suburbs.

6. Ecclesiastical For use in the liturgy of a particular feast or season of the year.

7. Mathematics Of or relating to a subset of a given set when the set has at least one element not in the subset.

8. Worthy of the name; true: wanted a proper dinner, not just a snack.

9. Out-and-out; thorough: a proper whipping.


Thoroughly: beat the eggs good and proper.

n. Ecclesiastical also Proper

The parts of the liturgy that vary according to the particular feast or season of the year.


[Middle English propre, from Old French, from Latin proprius; see per1 in Indo-European roots.]


proper路ly adv.

proper路ness n.

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